Category: PowerPTC

Try PowerPTC and we’ll pay YOU!

Would you like a free Amazon gift card? All you need to do is be one of the first 50 schools or districts to sign-up for a free trial with, the most intelligent Parent-Teacher conference scheduling solution! There is no obligation to buy and no payment information is required. The first 50 organizations that register with an email address… Read more →

Reduce Your District’s Costs with PowerPTC

Does your school or district send out parent-teacher conference information via traditional mailings? If so, you could likely use PowerPTC for less than the cost of your mailings. With PowerPTC, you can send your Parent-Teacher conference account information via Email to your parents and Guardians, potentially saving money by reducing the number of information packets you sent. This savings is… Read more →

PowerPTC – Configure Guardian Scheduling with Counselors & Coaches

With PowerPTC, it is possible to have guardians & parents schedule with faculty members who are not directly tied to their student’s schedule.  This feature, called Open Scheduling, can come in handy if your district would like parents to be able to schedule Parent-Teacher conferences with counselors, principals, deans, activity directors, coaches, department heads, etc.  Open Scheduling is another way to keep… Read more →

PowerPTC – Summer Sale!

School’s out, but parent-teacher conferences will be here before you know it.  We want to help make your next parent-teacher conferences successful by offering 50% off PowerPTC.  The reduced rates are available until July 15th, so create your account at today! Read more → – Version 1.0.0

We are proud to announce the release of 1.0.0 of, the world’s smartest parent-teacher conference scheduling software.  This update includes many bug fixes as well as the ability to email parents or guardians their activation codes.  Sign-in at to try out the new features or head over to for more information on Read more →

PowerPTC Beta 4

We have updated PowerPTC to include the ability for an administrator to allow for the creation of appointments with teachers or staff members who are not directly tied to a student’s course schedule.  This allows for parents and guardians to schedule with school counselors, coaches, and principals.  To give the new features a test drive, head over to Read more →