Power PTC Initial Configuration

Warning: This version of PowerPTC is no longer supported and will no longer receive security updates, please visit http://cwssoft.com/powerptc for the most current version of PowerPTC.


This step configures your Power PTC system to configure components like connection to your student information system, user licensing, etc. These steps can be performed on any client computer that is able to connect to your Power PTC system.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to: http://X.X.X.X, where X.X.X.X is your Power PTC server’s IP Address or hostname.
    Power PTC Login
  2. You will be prompted with a login dialog, login with the following credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: password
  3. If you are logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to set a new password for the admin account.
  4. At the main menu, click on the Install icon. This will direct you to the installation wizard.
    Installation Icon
  5. The first screen will prompt you to review and accept the license agreement.
  6. Next you will be presented with a screen requesting your license key code. Enter your 12 character code, and select Test Key. This will confirm that your license key is valid, if your code passes, click on the Submit Key button to proceed.
  7. The next step is configuration of your student information system or SIS. Power PTC supports two methods, the first is an internal SIS, where you must upload student information via CSV files to get it into Power PTC. The other method supported is a direct pull from your student information system. Currently Power PTC only supports direct pulls from Pearson’s PowerSchool ®. If you would like to upload your student data into Power PTC, select the option Internal SIS, and select next. If you would like to configure a direct connection, select PowerSchool ® SIS.

    PowerSchool ® Configuration

    1. Upon selecting PowerSchool ® SIS, you will be prompted for details regarding your SIS connection, the first is a JDBC connection string for your database, which will look something like:
      If you are using the Oracle version of PowerSchool ®, then the only thing you will need to change is replace X.X.X.X with your PowerSchool ® server’s IP address or hostname.
    2. The next setting requested is the user name to connect to database on your SIS. This is not the same as a user name that is used to log into the web front-end of PowerSchool ®. This is a database account that requires read-only access to the tables in PowerSchool (not only the views). If you are unsure what to use, contact a PowerSchool ® support for assistance.
    3. The last piece of information requested is the password that is associated with user name provided in the previous step.
    4. Now lets test our SIS connections setting and make sure we can pull up some student information. In this step you will need a valid student number from your SIS. Click on the Test button. You will be prompted for a valid student number at this point, enter it in the text box and click on the Search button. If Power PTC successfully pulls back the basic student information correctly, then you can exit out of that dialog and proceed to the next step.
  8. The next screen will prompt you for information regarding the Authentication Backend. On this screen leave the settings as default and click Next.
  9. The final screen is a basic summary of your configuration, please review this information and then select Save Configuration