This guide assumes that you have successfully installed Report Out and you are able to log into the web interface.
Adding Data Sources
In Report Out, a Data Source is basically a database server that you would like to connect to. Report Out comes with support for HSQL and Oracle database connections, others can be easily added. In order to add support for another database system, you would need to:
- Download the vendor’s JDBC driver (typically in the form of a *.jar file)
- Copy it into the [home-directory]/ReportOutData/lib/ directory
- After the jar file has been added, you will need to restart the Report Out server
- Now we can configure the connection properties by logging into Report Out. Navigate to the Data Sources section, then click Add Data Source.
- In this section, give your data source a Name
- Set the appropriate Driver and Connection String, this information should be provided in part by your database vendor
- Enter a valid Username and Password if required as well as a valid validation query that can be used to test your connection. Here is a list of a few database validation queries.
- After you have added your new Data Source, you can test the connection by clicking on the Test Now button
For users who wish to use Report Out with PowerSchool, there is a Data Source installed by default, which will only require the Connection String and Username/Password be updated. In the case of new installations, Report Out may require a restart before the Oracle driver is available.
Creating Jobs
Jobs contain the SQL statements that will be executed by Report Out as well as the Data Source that will be used to extract the information. Jobs are also where you configure how, when and where you would like the information sent. To create a new Job, navigate to the Jobs section and click the Add Job.
You can test your Job by clicking on the Execute Now button after saving your Job.
Scheduling your Job is possible after selecting either Email, FTP, or SFTP from the Action drop down field.